May 24, 2006 17:35
Weird: my computer hibernates and then when I wake it up occasionally it says a completely wrong time of day. I think it coincides to when I shut it off the night before. Why does this happen? Is it a virus? I just do not know.
I have some stories that need telling. Probably. Just let me think of them...
I discovered Bent's. It took me a long time, but I did it, and now I never have to eat gross things at school if I can't take it. I can just go get a nice tasty sandwich. I wish I had known this fact before. Besides the fact that Bent's is prone to fires (yikes) it is a nice place, and I enjoy their marketing technique of naming sandwiches after things in the town. For instance, all the schools have their own sandwich. And certain streets. I am trying to be slightly more ambiguous about my identity/location over LJ, so I won't name any sandwiches, but they are delicious.
Also, tomorrow at 6:00 PM I am going to be on a bus to the airport to go to Chicago. I am excited out of my brain, partially because it's speech and a big deal, but also because I get to see Chicago. I want to take pictures of it, all the time.
I got sad about taking pictures the other day because I realized - I don't think I have said this before; stop me if I'm mistaken - that I only bring my camera to things I am really excited about and want to remember. Like vacations and some social gatherings and such. And I mean, a lot of the time I forget it when I would like to have it, but I have not brought my camera many places recently. Awww. Isn't that sad? It means that I am not excited about a lot of the stuff that I go to anymore. That is most definitely rectifying itself like as we speak, because - segway -
I gained some school friends. (Shout-out to Liz, who is on LJ). They are not super-duper tight friends, but I like them, which is good, because I was having trouble finding people I liked last year because I was a huge malodramatic whiner. And the other cool thing is, they're chicks. There was a shortage of chick friends in my life last year. I think I tend to make friends with girls at school, but with boys at camp. What does that say about me?
Answer: I am shyer at school. Addendum: I should put myself out there more. However! I am bummed, (in a non-animosity way), because I tried to get on stuff for next year and it did not work. Lame-o. I missed the deadline to apply for the arts/literary magazine, and the a cappella group, whom I have courted for a while now, didn't take me. That means that three years of my school career consist of speech and maybe plays, but nothing else. I was ready to do something new! Now I feel boring. I do, however, want to see if I get into the musical in the fall, but it is dance-oriented, and I, alas, am not. I think when fall comes around I might be too frightened to try out for something and fail for the third time in a row, especially because I might crash and burn trying to dance in front of people. But there is no musical my senior year, so I'll try anyway. Why not? I want to work with Mr. Peck.
Life is actually good right now though, despite the whining. Bent's sandwiches and Chicago are two of the reasons, but there are other ones. Like, my hair, which looked ridiculous, has toned its antics down to one hair color. And it's warm now. And I have in my possession Dove Energy Glow lotion, which is making me feel very tan about myself. And if I can drive this summer, (and I hope I will be able to), that is going to be a lot of fun.
As a last note, the TV in the guraji, whom we christened Mr. Slappy, no longer works. We were so excited about it when we found it at the dump in working order, but now it is useless and no matter how much I slap it around - thus the name - it does not turn on. However, my mother mentioned to me that an outdated TV has been sitting in the basement of our very own house, and thus Mr. Slappy II is born, as soon as we can get him up there. I think that little anecdote sums up my state of mind.