
Aug 03, 2006 16:14

A new note has been posted on the War board.
[Victim] flag set.
Citizen Alengwen draws a sign in the air and recites the words, 'yucarimbarr'.
Citizen Alengwen's fireball <<< ERADICATES >>> you for 226 hp!
Citizen Alengwen is in perfect health.

<(3370/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 100%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Citizen Alengwen pulls a Flail of Striking from its place on his belt.
Citizen Alengwen's crush <<< ERADICATES >>> you for 213 hp!
Citizen Alengwen's crush >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you for 200 hp!
You pull the Mace of SMITING from its place on your belt.
You draw a brown-edged dagger from its sheath.
Your shock does UNSPEAKABLE things to Citizen Alengwen for 273 hp!
Your shock does UNSPEAKABLE things to Citizen Alengwen for 261 hp!
Citizen Alengwen has light contusions and abrasions.

<(2949/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 85%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
You do not have that scroll.
Citizen Alengwen has light contusions and abrasions.

<(2949/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 85%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Your counterattack BEATS Citizen Alengwen for 56 hp!
Citizen Alengwen's crush >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you for 157 hp!
Your shock <<< ERADICATES >>> Citizen Alengwen for 202 hp!
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 151 hp!
Citizen Alengwen has a few lacerations.

<(2785/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 73%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
You recite a scroll of blindness, blindness.
Citizen Alengwen's eyes go dark.. but regain their color.
Citizen Alengwen appears to be blinded.
Citizen Alengwen has a few lacerations.

<(2785/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 73%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Citizen Alengwen draws a sign in the air and recites the words, 'yucarimbarr'.
Citizen Alengwen's fireball === OBLITERATES === you for 140 hp!
Citizen Alengwen has a few lacerations.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 73%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Your counterattack BEATS Citizen Alengwen for 52 hp!
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 196 hp!
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 179 hp!
Your shock *** DEVASTATES *** Citizen Alengwen for 114 hp!
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 163 hp!
Citizen Alengwen has significant injuries.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 54%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
You disarm Citizen Alengwen and send his weapon flying!
Citizen Alengwen has significant injuries.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 54%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 8 hp.
Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 7 hp.
Your counterattack pokes Citizen Alengwen for 5 hp.
Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 6 hp.
Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 7 hp.
Your shock does UNSPEAKABLE things to Citizen Alengwen for 310 hp!
Your shock === OBLITERATES === Citizen Alengwen for 137 hp!
Your stab === OBLITERATES === Citizen Alengwen for 144 hp!
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 159 hp!
Your shock <<< ERADICATES >>> Citizen Alengwen for 217 hp!
Citizen Alengwen is heavily traumatized by your blows.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 26%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Iliana looks at you.
Citizen Alengwen is heavily traumatized by your blows.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] (Enemy: 26%)>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 6 hp.
Your counterattack whaps Citizen Alengwen for 6 hp.
Your counterattack pokes Citizen Alengwen for 1 hp.
Your counterattack pokes Citizen Alengwen for 5 hp.
Your shock *** DEVASTATES *** Citizen Alengwen for 124 hp!
Your shock *** DEVASTATES *** Citizen Alengwen for 116 hp!
Your stab MASSACRES Citizen Alengwen for 85 hp!
Your shock <<< ERADICATES >>> Citizen Alengwen for 204 hp!
Your shock <<< ERADICATES >>> Citizen Alengwen for 216 hp!
Your shock <<< ERADICATES >>> Citizen Alengwen for 205 hp!
Citizen Alengwen leaves north.
Citizen Alengwen has fled!

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] ()>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)

Someone gets a Flail of Striking.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] ()>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
Your target is not present.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [285/1122] (10762) [] ()>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
The Temple Square
[ H ]
[ S 1 ]
[ 1<3>% G]
[ 2 1 2 ]
[ 1 ]
[Exits: north east south west up]
A small white fountain gushes forth here.

Citizen Alengwen is here.
The Quaestor roams the city looking for delinquents.
A lamplighter walks the streets of Naerlan filling the street lamps with oil.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [284/1122] (10762) [] ()>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
Your shock >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Citizen Alengwen for 186 hp!
Citizen Alengwen is severely wounded and lying on the ground helpless.
You receive no experience for this battle.

<(2645/3596) (413/463) [284/1122] (10762) [] ()>
Quest Info: (0)(TNQ) (1017)(Quest Points)
You smash Citizen Alengwen's skull with the Mace of SMITING.
An Aura of Leadership falls to the floor.
Markov, the Mark of a protector is returned to the realm of the Gods of Tharel.
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