Hardcore Poem

Dec 07, 2005 10:01

The Suicidal Plea
by my bro, Tim Corris

Kill me here and lie me down
Smash my pride, so I won't make a sound
Kill my body, let my flesh rot
Empty at heart, a hole, a vacant spot
Six feet under, in a six foot hole
I've killed my flesh to reveal my soul
I ask for one last chance, give me one last try
It's only one more time just to let me die
It's the suicidal plead, and living life a lie
I'm with me in my head, drawing all my pain inside
I feel the void; it seems you're not talking
I'm sick of people and I'm sick of walking
Separate and insecure, knife in hand
Holding onto life by only a strand
Breaking the vanity, breaking the lies
You care only for yourselves, you egos I dispise
Nearing the end, in one last breath I cry
Out to anyone who'll listen, I cry out, "Why"
Then the light shines through and numbs the pain
It's then I realize these tears were not in vain
It finally hits me as heavy as a brick
A truth so pure, I know it will always stick
Forever and on, mu Father you'll be
Though I'll never comprehend the love you have for me
Taken from the darkness into the purest light
I've been given one more chance to live my life right
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