Nov 22, 2011 00:04
So, I guess the love for writing my own personal thoughts and documentation decided to rekindle itself in my mind today; thus that explains the whole new change of LJ design and deleting the old posts to make it sparkling *new*. Most of my old posts were full of emotional, sappy thoughts anyway and well, since I had a life-changing situation (being a drama queen here) in the mid of this year, I figured that it would be good to get rid of all things old.
I wouldn't deny that as I was doing the cleaning up, I felt a little tug on my heartstrings but it's okay, humans have feelings; be it for the good or bad memories. I was given a whole new breathing space and I know that I'm okay with that.
It's 12.02 right now and my supper (and PR assignment) awaits me so to put an abrupt end to this post, I shall cheers to a brand new start and hopefully, I would actually bother in keeping this space alive this time round.