Apr 22, 2005 23:06
give her your favorite sweatshirt*she’ll want to be able to smell you when you aren’t with her*
call her at 3am when you cant sleep n tell her you were thinking about her
call her before school n tell her to have a good day
whisper in her ear
dont be embarrassed to tell her you love her, even in front of your friends
when she cries, kiss every tear and
tell her she’s beautiful
tell your friends how perfect she is*even if they get sick of hearing about it*
if you can’t be there stay on the phone with her when she’s sick
pick her flowers
tell her everything you love about her*she’ll love the flattery*
pick fights about stupid stuff just so you can make up
NEVER stop holding her hand*no matter how old you are*
tell her you would die without her
bring her hot cocoa in the winter *even if you don’t like winter*
don’t be afraid to cry in front of her
buy her jewelry n bouncy balls from vending machines
have contests of who can jump off the swing the furthest
grab her waist
and kiss her
neck*girls love that*
take funny pictures in photo booths
suck up to her mom
play tag
kiss her in the rain
APOLOGIZE when you're wrong
take her outside one night n just lay in the grass and stare up at the stars
be there for her
love her