Jan 03, 2008 15:20
I'm filling this out more due to a sense of tradition than due to actually thinking this blog reflects the way my year went.
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2007 (not including memes of course). Post the first line(s) of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".
January 3
So, for Christmas, my wonderful friend Ashley got me a box of four 500-piece jigsaw puzzles of Thomas Kinkade paintings.
Yes, folks, that is three and a half puzzles in the past week. Break is such a fabulous time.
February 4
Dear Junior Recital,
You. Are. Over!!!
March 1
I broke [my Lenten resolution] again today. Really, though, twice in nine days is not that bad.
(apparently, nothing blog-worthy happened in April)
May 8
It's no wonder I keep waking up disoriented. I just realized that I haven't slept in the same bed for more than 2 or three consecutive nights since the end of the semester.
June 2
My goal is to reread the first 6 Harry Potter books before the 7th one comes out in July. So far, I've read 87 out of 3,411 pages. Luckily, I have a whole week off before I start training for camp, during which I can read all I want.
(didn't actually happen this year)
August 15
I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've updated the Internet on my various shenanigans. I'm going to try to keep this (relatively) brief, but I'm guessing it's going to end up quite long!
September 3
There are certain products, like Advil and skim milk, of which I will buy the generic brand because I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same as the normal brand. There are other products that I am slowly learning NOT to buy the generic of. The new one on my list? Shaving gel.
In other news, my computer has been broken for 2 weeks and I feel somewhat cut off from the world. I'm also student teaching. Whoa.
So I know I haven't posted in forever, and mostly things are going fabulously, and I love teaching (most days), but this post is going to 99% composed of whining.
I've been sick....
December 7
Picture the scene: 18 kindergartners are sitting on the floor of the elementary music room. I have just gotten them all settled down and ready to start music.
You can see by the ENTIRE MONTHS when I didn't blog that this "year in review" is not entirely comprehensive. I would like to sum everything up by saying that student teaching was awesome. The end.