Day 2

Oct 02, 2011 22:58

Today's numbers-

WGT: 237.8
BFP: 29.9

Measurements (inches)-

LB: 14.5
RB: 14.7
W: 45.9
H: 41.6
LT: 25.2
RT: 25.8

Total inches: 167.7

Interestingly, I'm showing decreases in weight (down 1.4 lbs) and BFP (down 0.3%), but an increase in body measurements (up 1.15 total inches). I attribute this to an increase in bodily water, which shows on the Escali scale, but which I am not actively tracking. I'm thinking these measurements will show more fluctuation due to water weight, muscle tension, and other factors, and I believe taking these measurements less frequently will make the results less susceptible to these temporary variables and provide a more accurate picture of my overall progress. From this point on, I will only take these measurements on Mondays and Thursdays. Weight and BFP will still be logged every day.

All things considered, an encouraging first day.

Today's menu:

10 am: 2 eggs, lentils and spinach. Sauerkraut chaser. See yesterday's entry.

2 pm: Similar to yesterday's "burrito bowl" lunch, but substituted sliced chicken breast and 1/2 cup diced bacon for the beef, and pinto beans instead of black beans.

6 pm: Same as 2 pm, but 1/2 portion.

10 pm: 1 pork chop sauteed in olive oil and apple cider vinegar (I find the apple flavor goes very well with pork), 1/2 can of asparagus, 2 cups raw spinach, and the same mashed garbanzo bean side dish I made yesterday. Kimchi chaser.

2 am: Red wine at bed time.

Tomorrow is "cheat day". Most diets encourage you to take one "cheat day" per week, that is, a day when you eat whatever the hell you want. It's sort of a morale booster... it let's you indulge your temptations strategically so you don't get frustrated and give up. This diet is no exception. Since my work week is Wednesday through Sunday, I'm making Monday my "cheat day". Even though I haven't felt any particular urge to cheat, as I've been enjoying the food I've been eating so far, author Tim Ferriss advises that you go ahead and binge anyway:

"It is important to spike caloric intake once per week.

"This causes a host of hormonal changes that improve fat-loss, from increasing cAMP and GMP to improving conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3.

"Everyone binges eventually on a diet, and it's better to schedule it ahead of time to limit the damage. The psychological benefits outweigh even the hormonal and metabolic benefits."

There is actually a whole chapter on methods to minimize fat gain during these binge periods. Should come in handy as the holidays approach. I'll mention some of those tomorrow.
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