Today I received an issue of
Budget Travel magazine in the mail. It had a subscription label with my name and address, yet I don't recall ever subscribing to this publication. At first, I wondered if someone else had subscribed in my name, but then, identity thieves generally spend your money on themselves, not you.
I'm sure there's plenty of useful information in this magazine, so I'm sure I'll read it anyway. It's just kind of weird. And it's happened to me before- a few years back I just started getting issues of
Men's Health magazine, for no apparent reason, for several months. Then they just stopped. I never got a bill, or an offer to renew, or any explanation whatsoever. Also, at one time I had subscribed to Rolling Stone, and kept getting issues for about three years after my subscription expired.
I had a dream last night where I had a litter of pet hamsters (I have one in real life) and they had somehow chewed through their metal cages, and they were all running around the house while I tried to fix the cages with chicken wire. So I had to keep stopping what I was doing to go round up the hamsters, and I could never find them all. Also, one of them was really big, like almost the size of a puppy. He was like the "boss" hamster.
What would a dream interpreter say about that?