Oct 03, 2005 17:37
I like an escalator
because an escalator can never break.
it can only become stairs
You should never see an
escalator temporarily out of order sign
just an escalator temporarily stairs.
...sorry for the convenience.
I apologize for the fact that you... can still get up.. there.
--mitch hedburg
I used to do drugs.
I still do.
but i used to too.
--mitch hedburg
I used to have really long hair
and people thought i was always high on stage
people associate long hair
with drug use.
I wish people associated long hair with something other then drug use.
and extreme longing for cake.
And then
strangers would see a long haired guy
and say
"that fucker eats cake"
He is on bunt cake.
youll have mothers saying to their daughters
"dont bring the cake over here anymore.
he smells like flour.
Did you see how excited he got
when he found out
your birthday was fast approaching"
I have an underwater camera
For if at the last minute when i crash my car into a lake
I see a photo oppurtunity
Of a fish.
That i have never seen.
This guy handed me a picture of him
and said it was of when he was younger.
every picture you take is of when you were younger.
I have a picture of me when i was older.
((otther guy))
what teh fuck
howd you pull that off.
lemme see your camera
sometimes i wave to people i dont know.
its very dangerous to wave to someone you dont know.
because.. what if they dont have a hand.
they'll think youre cocky.
"look what i got mother fucker.
This thing is useful.
Im gonna go pick something up."