
Mar 18, 2011 00:19

Title: Settle
Author: Killerbunny117
Rating & Warnings: PG for a little tiny swear.
Summary: It's not supposed to go like this. L/J First Kiss
Originally for Lily/James Games 2011 ♦ Expecto Patronum Round 1 at lilyjames_fest

His lips are on hers and she can’t think like this.

She breaks the kiss and looks down, anywhere but at him, to try and get her brain working again.

“Lily” James says breathlessly trying to push away the hair that has fallen in her face. “What’s wrong?”

She can’t believe it, she laughing. “It’s not supposed to be like this James” she looks up at him, a look of confusion coming over his face “you’re not supposed to go right to kissing me. What about the wooing? You’re supposed to bring me flowers, read poetry, take me on a proper date and oh I don’t know, whisk me off my feet!”

Before James can reply Alice appears at the end of the corridor.

“Lily! Thank god! I need to talk” she stopped mid sentence seeing James jump away from Lily as though he had been electrocuted. “Oh am I interrupting?”

“Of course not” Lily said, her face bright red as she quick turned her back on James walked over to Alice.

“See you around” was all she said to him before quickly disappearing from view.


The next morning at breakfast Lily was sitting with Alice, Remus, Sirius and Peter. She was too busy eating a bagel and reading Remus’ Daily Prophet to notice what the other were talking about. But when they all fell quite she glanced over the top of her paper to see what had happened to find James Potter sitting across the table from her holding a single lily.

“I have never been good at poetry Evans. But how about you come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend and I’ll at least be two for two?”

“Hell maybe you can get three out of four Potter.” She said taking the flower from his hands and putting it behind her ear. She smiled at him before disappearing behind her paper again. “I think I could settle for that.”

harry potter, drabble, fic: lily/james

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