My Harry Potter Metdown....

Jul 09, 2010 23:51

OK so this last week month, has been like all Harry Potter all the time. Which is normally not something I complain about. But the problem is that its all HP stuff that I can't do / isn't available yet / stuff they did wrong. I shall now list the things under each of the topics.

Stuff I Can't Do
1) Infinitus is in Orlando this weekend. Its only 2 hours away and I can't go because no one will/can go with me. And Team Star Kid is going to be there and they are showing AVPS, having a panel, and sighing stuff.
2) Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened last month and even though I'm going for my birthday In December I only live 2 hours away and its killing me!

Stuff that isn't available yet
1) The DH movie. both parts. I need it now, its really killing me!
2) AVSP. it needs to be on youtube sooner then next thursday I really don't wanna wait a whole week.
3) Chapter 22 of BeeDaily's Commentarius. Its amazing, the best fanfic in the history of the world and the next chapter should be out any day now. and the sixpence is killing me.

Stuff They did Wrong
The only thing I have to put here is the movies, all of them. they have been on ABC family this week and its drives me crazy. but I wont get into that.

1) I tried to buy a T-shirt from starkid and they wouldn't take my card.
2) There was a lady at DPT who was talking all about HP, and didn't have a clue what she was taking about. It was driving me crazy.

Oh and I changed my Icon in celebration of AVPS. I can't remember where I got it, but its a great line. And Beedaily posted the Icon I made for her and said it was fab! which totally made my whole week. Your awesome Bee!

beedaily, harry potter, starkid, commentarius, life

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