will you help me??

Jan 28, 2008 22:10

So last week on Project Runway the challange involved Levi 510 jeans and Trucker Jackets. Well Levi has created a challange for the average person to design a new look for them.

Since I love designing and a good chalange I thought I'd give it a try. So I have come up with two designs that I have submitted. Here's where I need your help.

Only twenty of the designs will make it into the final judging, and you could help any of the designs get there. (of course I'm hoping you'll help mine, but I won't tell you you can't pick others too) So go to this website to view the designs. Mine won't be up for a day or two, I'll post back when they are, but you could go look now and get registered.

Oh, and just by registering and voting you get a chance at winning prizes.

design, challange, projet runway

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