Religion of peace

Feb 26, 2006 21:19

Islam is not a religion of peace. If it is a religion on peace, then the majority of it followers do not seem to be getting the message. I hear about all the time how Islam wishes for peace, and only wants peace for the world. Perhaps, but they want it on their terms and their terms alone. Now, I realize that some nations who profess Islam are victims of circumstance. Iraq and Palestine are two great examples, thank you England for those, where peoples who do not get along are thrown together and forced to live in close proximity. However, that is not an excuse for the following:

Electing Hamas, a known TERRORIST organization, to be the head party of your government.
Rioting, and in the process, causing hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars of property and homes destroyed.
Firing rockets into the holy places of people of profess your SAME religion.

I used to be an optimist on this. I thought that there could be peace in Israel/Palestine. I thought that Muslim nations could coem to control their rage against anything they found "offensive." I thought that, perhaps, Iraq could learn to raise itself up out of the ashes. I was wrong. I think Johnny Cash said it best in his song "When the Man Comes Around" : 'Till Armegeadon, no shalome, no sholome." I do believe that these people will be fighting us until the end of time.

Israel and U.S. has a plan in place that would retrun lands that were wrongfully, yeah I said it, wrongfully taken from Palestinians by the UN in 1948. It received mass criticism in both namtions and might have even caused the stroke of the PM of Israel. What do the Palestinians do, the elect Hamas the SWORN enemy of Israel, aas their leadership by a sound margin. WTF? We have tried again, again, and again. I thought that maybe when the PLO's liong time leader kicked the bucket that there was hope. All that just got thrown straight to hell. One day Israel will wipe those people off the face of the earth....and that will be a sad day for humanity.

It's a cartoon. In a foreign nation that is NOT America, but we still get blamed you gotta love it, and this is an excuse to burn shit and kill people. The IRA is called barbaric, murderers when they do this. But Muslims in the middle east get a pass? Don't say that they haven't. Where are the outcries from local religious leaders and politcians denouncing these people. It hasn't come and it wont. Because violence is all they understand. Whether or not their religion teaches it, well I think it does, but that is still up for debate.

Islam never gets called out for some of its atrocities. So lets name a few. Christianity, deservedly so mind you, always gets crap about the crusades. Ok, that was dumb, power hungry, Rome making a dumbass play that caused unnecessary death and detruction. The one hope for peace was detroyed by the same dumb asses from Rome (see City of God, and very good Orlando Bloom movie loosely based on true events - aperiod when there was a little peace in the holy land). But Islam did its share of raping a pilging as well. Egypt and all of Norhern africa was Christian at one time, now its now. Hmm, how did that happen. Oh, I know. Because from the earliest days of Islam thwir idea of coverting was the whole "believe or die" method. Effective, and Christians used that at one point too, buts it's funny how they are the only ones who get crap about it....Oh, and if you have ever read anceit texts and they talk about the wonderful libraries at Alexandria...yeah, those aren't their anymore thanks to the Muslim conquerors. I am not judging, all I am saying is let's just be honest.

In a time of darkness, Islam brought the light of learning, medicine, and technology and balanced it with believe in God. The Dark/Middle Ages were they height of this religion/culture and I admire their philosophers and thinkers of this period more than you know. But these same thinkers and philosophers now are banned in many Muslim nations. WHY!!!!??? They speak of peace and learning to live as God intended. Is that so dangerous!!!??? Apparently so, and it's sad.

I know that there are Mualims in this country who are not like that and who are very peaceful. To them I say, it's time to stand up. It's time to speak up and fight for your beliefs/religion before it destroyes itself and its people. As one American Muslim on the Bill Mahr show (yeah, I watch it bc it is freakin awesome) said "I guess I am not a good Muslim, because apprarently to do that you have to burn things over Danish cartoons."

Religion of peace? I used to think, deep down, it was and could be again. Now, well...there will be peace when God comes back. Until this, no shalome, no sholome.
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