*053* It's a curse day. It fucking has to be.

Sep 22, 2006 09:40

My Paintball Team wasn't as inept as I thought they'd be. Kazu-kun, I have no fucking clue why you're so scared of me. Unless you've got yakuza ties that I don't know about, or are on a mission to do some killing yourself, I really don't give a fuck. And you're pretty handy with a paintball gun.

The rest of you guys-- practice more, and I think we have a shot at winning this.

The prize is irrelevant to me. However, pounding this guy into the ground is. Understand? Good.
'dante's an excellent sniper (what's your vision like? 3.5/3.5? Something like that, right?) and really adept at coming up with plans on the fly as well as working with a team. How he picks people off from a distance with a handgun is always impressive. Having him has a partner makes me forget all that crap that happened before.... and I'm grateful. I really am.

And when you remember what I like... you're a great cook.

Ev-san, we haven't talked all that much lately, and it kind of makes me sad. I liked doing that. Amadeus-san too. You guys are... alright. Okay, more than alright. You guys are pretty fucking cool.

Eiko... I know I wouldn't be the best suited to caring for you, but I can't abandon you either. What Athrun and Kira did... well, I just hope they come back. You give me tons of headaches, but if you're safe and happy, then all the grief I get chasing you around is worth it. Don't be in such a rush to grow up, okay?

Maybe it's an aftereffect of the curse before, but something about Akito makes me miss my younger brother a lot. He even wears my clothes like him (of course, I don't think Aoki ever wanted to wear my clothes). I don't know. Something about seeing him sad breaks my heart. (Yes, you fuckers, I have one. So shut the fuck up.)

Yzak-san -- any guy who gives a girl an automatic weapon is alright in my book.

As much as I pretend to be irritated by you Rabi-nii, I'm not too bothered by you at all. In some ways, you're a lot like 'dante. In a good way. You make me smile, you cheer me up, you keep my mind occupied with better things so I don't go off and maim something for the hell of it. I'm really happy we met.

Reno-pyon -- You're pretty kickass. And are surprisingly adept at amusing me. The hearts don't bother me as much as I say they do, and I'm rather flattered you'd think of yourself as my older brother.

I am in awe of your abilities, Elena-san. You're smart, awesome with a gun, and the way you hacked into Reno-pyon's computer that first day really caught my interest. I admire you a lot.

Basically, saying I hate everyone here would be a lie. Most of you have been amazingly patient, and pleasant...

Except some of you need to drop off the face of the earth and never, ever return. You motherfucking assholes really piss me off. If there was a way I could, I'd rip you limb from limb, stick your near-lifeless corpses in a bag, burn you alive, then bury you in the ground for a slow, painful death that would make all the tortures of Hell look like a fucking trip to Disney World. I'm not in mood to name names, but just so you know.

I rather miss Jenos and Shao-san... seeing them for that one day was way too weird, but kind of fun...

...I need to go destroy something right now.
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