Jun 18, 2008 21:44
- 19 year old boy roommates suck. It's always a good idea to put a bottle of juice or pop or whatever it is on the top shelf of the fridge, don't close it properly and lay it on its side. It's an even better idea to say "yeah, I'll do it later" when two of your girl roommates look like they're going to kill you. He made Meg mad, and thats REALLY hard to do, eh? I would take two first year Lawlesses and one Wilson over this kid. Ugh. He says he hates emo kids, but has the hair, manerisms and septum piercing that leads me to believe that he doesn't understand what a mirror is.
- Librarians are nuts
-Librarians are not the bitches of 'researchers' (who we provide research to), doctors or any other person who works for Health Canada
- the library tech that I work with, Katie is so awesomtacular. She has an LJ and I need to find and add her. She loves the Travelling Willbury's...the fact that another person has heard of them makes me happy :D She's awesome
- Terry is actually kinda nice.
- Buses here are either really good, or really bad. This morning, my normal but (the 82) decided to not stop at the transit station at all. That was great. And then one didnt come for 20 minutes, and then didn't stop either. I had to walk 10 minutes on a strained/stress fractured/pulled muscle/tendon-ed foot. That was great fun.
- Meg is an awesome roommate
- We won the roommate lottery with Darshika, though. She has curry :D Awesome, HOT Sri Lankan curry :D
- There are shwarma places EVERYWHERE here. There are literally shwarma places across the street from themselves. Yeah, its like pizza places in London, or Tim Hortons in Brantford.
- I hurt myself REALLY easily.
- My room is very small and really not meant for one person, let alone two. Oi.
- The malls here are pretty awesome.
- My Mp3 player says its not broken, but I know its not working properly. It says its syncs and then gives me an error, and then none of the new music is on it. I'm not giving it up until it no longer plays music.
- I really miss London--esp my friends and my OWN APARTMENT. Oh, god! I miss not having to clean up after other people. UGH