Mike's Music A-Z: Koenjihyakkei - Nivraym

Oct 11, 2010 15:55


Country of origin: Japan
Year of release: 2001 (2009 remaster)
Genre(s): Zeuhl, RIO, avant-garde jazz
Similar artists: Magma, Bondage Fruit, Univers Zero

Description: Those who know my tastes in music, and my flair for the exceptionally bizarre, are probably not surprised one iota by this album's inclusion.  Frenetic pacing, polyrhythmic percussion, shrieking sax, and gibberish vocals that are all over the place are hallmarks of this band's style, and Nivraym is no exception.  An incredibly daunting listen, but an extremely rewarding one for those that enjoy musical madness.

Sample tracks:
Lussesoggi Zomn
Axall Hasck
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