so.. uhh.. happy new year??
true to form kim posts when spirits are veering towards the negative. but it's OKAY! cos i'm ANGRY! :@ like ireallyfuckingwishihadapunchbag/thegirlwouldshowherfaceratherthanavoidingmesoicanPUNCHITHARD kind of angry to the point of almost being amused at how incredulous i am at this girl's behaviour but mainly just ANGRY ... and that's better than sad.
long story short.. few changes over the past few months, i am now the manager of my beaaautiful jewellery kiosk and over the christmas period (november to be exact) i thought it might be a nice idea to get my on-the-dole housemate a job.
heads up: don't do it kids.
for one thing it hasn't been the easiest experience; she doesn't really respect me, she's arrogant and complacent about her own ability, she's very competitive and has genuinely, perhaps inadvertently but still, created tension within my lovely comfort zone between both me and her and the rest of my girls. that's not to mention the time she asked to leave and then changed her mind and decided to stay after all. but still she's a good seller (note: not fantastic or brilliant, just good and also unwilling to improve) and i'd have kept her on had the situation not been this:
they've drastically cut the kiosk hours by more than half and i had to make a tough choice, involving tears, sleepless nights, thoughts of quitting and list upon list of pros and cons. eventually my area manager and i decided to let her go. she hasn't taken it particularly well.
and by not particularly well i mean to the point of ranting and raving about how this other girl who has been there since JULY should have been let go instead of her and how she's got these THREE PIECES OF PAPER (sales figures) that prove how she should still have a job and how i've obviously made the wrong decision because she's the best etc. etc. etc. and then completely ignoring me at home and generally being a pissy little bitch.
and i just think, she had the option of leaving gracefully, possibly leaving the door open if there were more hours in the future for her to have them, and instead she decided to behave like a toddler.
it's like, how the fuck DARE she come into MY workplace as a favour from me no less and act as though she has more right to her job than my girl (C) who had worked there for 6 months before she came along?? (quote: "if i find out C's been kept on i will be absolutely fuming" - this was after she'd already told C that she was sorry but she thought she (C) would probably be let go first, and also when we told her that she was being let go, automatically assumed that if she was, then C must have already been let go of).
Why the fuck would I want a team member that thinks they're better than anyone else?? Including me??
I can't rant enough to get it out of my system. My mind is completely boggled. I've lived with the girl for four years and have had my misgivings before about her maturity level but this just takes the biscuit.
My eyes are open.
Oh well.
Two things are for sure; 1) that is the last time I ever do her any favours; 2) as soon as this contract is up (September...) I am getting the hell away.
Did you all have an excellent new year????