The bad boy is BACK...

Jul 25, 2005 20:58

England? In a word, weird.

They drive on the wrong side of the road here, and they talk kinda funny. And they got lords and ladies an' all - real different to America.

But the girls and the boys here are real purty, and the blood tastes good - so I've got no complaints.

Made contact with an ol' buddy of mine, someone who's traveled a bit from England to the USA now and then. I don't have many of these old pals left, but I've still got a few. Ol' Serj the wolfman ain't so bad. Met him in one of these wizardin' bars, some place called the Leaky Cauldron. These wizard folks are kinda interestin'. Wouldn't mind learnin' more about 'em. Apparently, Serj tells me there's a new Dark Lord guy runnin' the wizards now. Gonna make things a lot better for us 'dark creatures' - that's what Serj calls us vamps, and werewolves, zombies an' all... he sounds real fascinatin'. Maybe I could join his men, if he'd have the likes of me...

Serj couldn't stay long, though. Worried about his sister-in-law, his dead brother's widow. Her grandma's real sick. Serj showed me a picture of his sister-in-law an' all. Boy, she sure is a honey. Purtiest gal I ever saw. Not only is she a pure white albino, but she's got somethin' about her I can't put my finger on. Something that makes me want her even more than I ever wanted that UV kid.

I've kinda given up on the boy. He said he ain't interested, an' that's that. But now I'm gonna see if I can git me a meeting' with this Miss Rachel.
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