At the secret hideaway...

Apr 21, 2005 02:30

So there she is, purty Sophie, all laid out on the bed with a circle of holy water on the floor. Plenty of things to keep her amused - refrigerator full of bottled blood, huge sack of poppy seeds, a change of clothes, some musical instruments... as I said before, I don't wanna harm her unless I really have to. It'd be easier to git my hands on UV ( Read more... )

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ms_metternich April 20 2005, 23:35:14 UTC
*Dream sequence: Sophie is at the Old Chateau. As she looks around at the building where she, Chris, Max, and Alexa once hid, she sees other figures standing there. Upon closer inspection, they turn out to be her parents and Uncle Gustav. They call to her and tell her she has betrayed them by choosing to become a vampire this time and not eliminating Lucard when she had a chance. She tells them she loves Alex and would not want to hurt him. "You have been contaminated" they say and Gustav slowly starts to move in on her with a wooden stake. As he approaches her with the stake pointed right at her heart... *

*Sophie cries out waking herself out of the nightmare. Sitting up, she realizes that she is not in the same bed that she went to sleep in. Glancing around, she realizes that whoever brought her here must know quite about her. There is lovely clothing and several musical instruments, and she smells poppy seeds! She tries to restrain herself from the poppy seeds, but she can't help it and takes a heaping handful, which she quickly gobbles up. She leaves the bed, but doesn't make it very far before she realizes that she can't go past a certain point. Bending down, she inspects the floor. It looks wet.*

this is holy water isn't it? *a quick touch of the water confirms this and she stands up* Hello? Alexander? Klaus? Uncle Gustav?


killer_otis April 21 2005, 13:18:04 UTC
*chuckles warmly* Glad to see you in the land of the livin' once more, sleepin' beauty... help yourself to poppy seeds - there's plenty more where they came from, and there's bottled blood in the refrigerator if you need it. Not the nicest stuff, I know, but it's a lil bit hard to git live victims up here. You'll be stayin' here a lil while, till I git me my angel boy. Rest assured, lil missy... I ain't gonna hurt you. I hope, in fact, you and me can become real good friends... *seductive smile*


ms_metternich April 21 2005, 21:37:28 UTC
*startled* Otis! I hope you realize that I am not going to help you get UV. *turns away from Otis* He is my friend and would never see him harmed. And what makes you think even if I wanted to help you, that Klaus would trade UV's life for mine?

*trying to get information* Where did you bring me anyway?

*Father? Otis kidnapped me!*


killer_otis April 22 2005, 09:17:37 UTC
Harm UV? Why, pretty gal, I ain't gonna hurt UV. When I git him, I'm gonna take good care of him. As my fledglin', he'd live like a prince... if he wants to drive fast cars, or be a rock n' roll star, I kin make it happen for him.

As for where you are, now that'd be tellin', wouldn't it? *fangy grin* All you need to know is that I ain't gonna hurt you. You're just gonna stay here a lil while till your family see sense and hand over the albino.

If you're feelin' a bit exposed in that there nightgown, there's a change of clothes there for ya. If you want, I'll even look in the other direction while you're changin', just like a gentleman. Though I bet you're real pretty to look at without your clothes. *another fangy grin*


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 10:23:36 UTC
If you expecting Klaus to see sense, you should know that he is not my brother anymore so does not care about what happens to me. My father can see sense much better than my brother.

*looks at the clothing and they appear to be the correct size* Please do turn around while I change please.


killer_otis April 22 2005, 10:40:14 UTC
Well then, let's hope your daddy can see sense. He shouldn't care much about the kid, so we should be seein' UV here soon and you can go on home.

*turns around* Feel free to change now, I ain't lookin'...


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 10:52:02 UTC
Thank you for turning around, you are more of a gentleman than I thought. *starts to change her clothing as quickly as possible so there was less of a chance of Otis seeing something*

Why are you so interested in UV? He is an angel, that is true, but wouldn't it be better for your fledgling to be more like you? UV has a heart of gold. He would never resort to kidnapping.

You have to know that my father is not the type that negotiates with others. He just takes what he wants. He is Dracula after all. I think he will be quite upset when he finds out you have me. You might have signed your own death warrant.

*Daddy? Vlad? Alex? Alexander? Master? Father? Where are you?*


killer_otis April 22 2005, 11:39:05 UTC
*keeps his eyes averted*

My own death warrant? Don't be so sure of that. You may be underestimatin' me. I ain't got no quarrel with your daddy. And I'm sure he didn't git his power by not choosin' his battles wisely. I don't think he'll wanna start trouble over a lil albino mortal. I'm thinkin' he'll just want a minimum of fuss and hand the boy over. That's all I want from him. He kin keep his position as king of the vamps or whatever the hell he wants to call himself. Good luck to him at keepin' it. There's plenty vamps far older n' scarier than either him or me out there... he kin have the pleasure of fendin' 'em off. I don't wanna be anywhere near 'em.

As for UV... you can't begin to understand why I want him. It's because he's an angel that I gotta have him. A beautiful pale angel... like Gabriel. My Gabe... *lost in longing for a few moments* He kin help me repent of my sins, perhaps. *chuckles to himself*


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 12:04:28 UTC
*is all done changing clothes* You can turn around now.

*starts to provoke Otis just a bit* My father killed his own biological daughter twice and has gone after vampires more powerful than you. I don't think he would have a problem going after you if he felt you were being manipulative. He is after all "undisputed master of the undead." I hope you know that not only is my father Dracula, but my teacher is Nosferatu. Older and scarier than Dracula.

If Father doesn't hand over UV, what is going to happen to me?


killer_otis April 22 2005, 12:19:02 UTC
*turns around slowly, a dark look in his eyes* If he's as smart as he makes himself out to be, he'll hand over UV. The kid don't mean anything to him, and you do. If he cares for you, he'll do it. He wouldn't wanna take any risks now, would he?

Master of the undead he may be, but undisputed? Maybe not for long. But I don't care about all that. I don't want his power. I got stuff of my own to do... all I want is my white angel boy. *eyes glaze over* Oh yes. My angel... your daddy wouldn't know too much about angels now. *laughs*


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 12:49:32 UTC
*noticing the dark look in Otis's eyes and hearing that laughter, she starts to back away slowly until she bumps against the bed*

He's been master of the undead for 500 years, no one could go against him. *whispers* And survive. *normal voice* He is ruthless.

*wonders if Vlad heard her telepathic calls*

I do hope you are planning on telling my dear father that you have me. *Thinks to herself, "So then he can come for me and get UV somewhere safe"*


killer_otis April 22 2005, 13:04:09 UTC
*laughs again* You think not even all the angels of heaven could beat him? *scowls* I sure as hell wouldn't wanna tangle with no angel. Only angel I'm interested in is lil UV.

Heh, ruthless, is he? Well, he ain't seen how ruthless I can be.

My, my, pretty lady, you sure do look gorgeous in that there dress. It really suits you. *shows a little of his former charm*


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 13:15:29 UTC
Thoughout my mortal years I studied him, I think there is a very good possibility that he could survive a battle with angels. *at least I certainly hope so.*

Thank you Otis, I think its beautiful. In one of my favorite colors, you know. And how did you know my size? You must have been studying me very closely.


killer_otis April 22 2005, 13:26:35 UTC
*cackles evilly* Even the Count himself couldn't beat an angel, sweetheart. I'd sure as hell never wanna meet one. I used to love a pretty boy named after an angel, though... used to wonder if the real Gabriel was that pretty. They say in the Bible that the Devil himself used to be an angel... no wonder he's so scary.

Lucky guess with your size and all... though I guess I have been lookin' at you rather closely. You're such a beauty, y'know... *wonders how much longer she can resist gorging herself on poppy seeds*


ms_metternich April 22 2005, 13:33:17 UTC
I don't know who my Grandfather is, but I am sure he was quite powerful. Some people think my Grandfather is the devil himself.

Thank you Otis, you are quite handsome yourself.

*keeping her eyes firmly planted on Otis, she starts to move closer to the poppy seeds and takes another several handfuls and, vamping out a bit, quickly gobbles them down*


killer_otis April 22 2005, 13:40:00 UTC
Why thank you kindly, pretty Sophie... *grins and keeps a close eye on her as she devours the seeds. Is starting to get somewhat aroused, but calls no attention to the fact*.


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