Yeah thats right he's in the apartment FINALLY!
After years of thinking he had died under the destructive hands of Dr. Destruction (aka Tony) Petey Bowtie returns to the apartment of Tony.
So I get up this morning in "Panic Mode" of the century. I mean running out the door putting shoes on in mid run toothpaste would be pouring out of the corners of my mouth iffin in fact I had time to brush my teeth.
ANd I look at the clock and it is 5:20, not 6:20. So hooray, bored for an hour.
Oh well. I made a toast Peanut Butter oont Jelly, and that is really good.
And did my random once a month go on and check out news on all the new horror movies coming out, and I gots to say I found a rumour that gave me a "horror movie nerd hard-on". I don't know? Then again George Romero was originally slanted to direct Resident Evil for How long?
P.S. And what about the 4th Night movie we were promised? Dead Reackoning? That never happen either... So I'm not really holding my breathe on this one.