I bought it today for Brianna, because I am such a
fucking gold rock god of a boyfriend. And it is fucking aaaa-wesome.
Playing it in my fucked up car and didn't even turn my car off when I
ran to Yan Sings, had to stop at bank for pot money... Left the bitch
running, just so I could come back out to my car and not have to fuck
with the sketchy volume knobs that usually keep the radio from working
on any reasonable level. And doesn't save what level your volume is at
so rather then turn off the car and risk not hearing the album I left
it on whilest Brianna listened to her new album out in the car.... It
was glorious.
But with this release comes the (don't let the door hit you in the ass
departure) of "Deloused at the Comatorium"s producer, Rick Rubin
"AAACCCCKKKKK!!!!!" And let Omar Rodriguez-Lopez take on the task of producing "Frances The Mute" and the result is pure fucking ROCK GOLD!
So if you are a fan
of there first CD (Rachael I'm looking at you) NEED! NEEEEED!! To
pick up this fucking CD it is $8.99 at Wal-Mart for chrissakes. And
since they don't really have any explicit content you don't have to
worry about it being censored... I think I found it under the "Matchbox
20" tag.
So check it out.. Tis good.