Nov 29, 2010 22:13
Had the last four days off since I worked 14 hours on thanksgiving(Which gave me a total of 28 hours of pay cause i get double the hours. So yeah I made 280 bucks that day... Well before taxes) and as well I got a promotion which I think I've told most everyone but the ones who read this. I do believe... Either way, it's been boring cause I had 4 days off... I made a few cakes for my family's thanksgiving which was on saturday since us kids had to work but regardless.... I can't wait till tomorrow so I can actually talk to Donna. I really miss talking to her. Damn the adult life and being busy with work and stuff.... I can't wait till I can visit and then move down there so I can be with her forever.
Though... I did tell my boss not to change the schedule even if she 'thinks' I wanted those days off... I could have worked last weekend since my friends were busy since it was the 'holiday' times. That's why I had four days off in a row. Bleh, without work and without friends I don't have much to do though I did visit the arcade a few times just to get out of the house. I am still amazed on how people are amazed on how well I can play DDR. Heh... I really need to get back into playing DDR, I'm so out of shape and it shown as I played DDR.