Happy Birthday to us and the stupid beaks and the hags etc.

Oct 20, 2007 16:19

We are three years old today. When we say 'we,' we mean this is when it all started three years ago. The Llama Hag and The Pelican Hag came into existence (well, they were already in existence, but they became Hags then) - The Pelican Hag made a comment about only doing what the Pelicans tell her to do and told our Hag she and her army of Pelicans were going to take over the world. She invited our Hag to join them, but our Hag said no, because she was getting her army of Killer Llamas together. And then war broke out. And then llamasvpelicans was created and then many more armies eventually joined us.

Just between you and us, we heard the Hags talking about this on the phone a couple of weeks ago. They were looking at the journal entry where it began - it ended with PHag thanking our Hag for keeping her company during this 'brief' moment of insanity. ahahahahahaha. Brief! And 3 years later, we're still all going strong and there have been many twists and turns along the way.

Here's to the next 3 years!! *cheers*

hags, us, birthday

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