I'm neglectful, but what can I say? Too much internet makes me feel like a zombie so I go on big long fasts sometimes. Like over break. So if I missed emails or lj-stuff, I apologize, but everyone should know that I covet my hermit time. (Like break.)
Speaking of break, it was good.
p2b93 came to visit and I "gave" him the best birthday present ever-
grape_nut. My work here is done.
(Clever Transition!)
My parents are evil. They offered to let me renovate/live in the barn if I do most of the work. Evil, evil, evil way to get me back in KY. It's tempting... maybe I can do it for a year before grad school.
(Clever Transition!)
I can't find Kristina's poetry online. I need it. Does anyone have the mirror site saved? I'm emailing her mom anyway, but I thought I'd ask.
Her birthday would have been three weeks ago.