My Life : A constant work in progress

May 21, 2008 10:32

and i wouldn't have it any other way...

Well, despite the fact that i no longer have a job, I'd have to say that life is pretty darn great right now.  This past weekend has  been one of the best weekends ever.  It started Friday when Morgan, Andrea, Trista, Luke, and I went to wildlife prairie park and slid down the huuugggeee slide about a million times, after wildlife Morgan and i went to salvation army in Peoria where i purchased the best bike in the world.  It needs new tires but other than that it's awesome.  We also went to walmart, Bryce's, and then to starbucks to visit with trey for a bit before i dropped her off at willow knolls.  I went home and crashed afterwards, i was still very tired from Thursday.  Saturday I hungout at trey and alex's for a bit, watched across the universe with alex and cory then hungout with trey for the rest of the afternoon/evening.  We went to the yorktown prophet apartment/house show in this really sweet building downtown.  It was great, they're a good band.  Sunday was kinda normal, church then apartment.  I went shopping with my mom and she bought me a shirt which was nice of her.  Later, i went to confession then to Rena's bonfire which started out really nice.  Unfortunately, a douche bag cop had to come and ruin the fun by making us extinguish our fire.  So we went to Rena's and discoed instead.  Monday, Trey, Morgan, Craig, and I went to Dekalb to see set your goals.  You should read morgan and Trey's journals for the details on that.  I had way more fun at that show than the one in chicago though.  I love when it's you and the band, no barriers.  The ride home was even great, even though i guess i was a little cranky.  Yesterday was so great.  My friend Kyle from Indiana was in town so i rescued him from a headache and did my best to show him a good time in Peoria.  We went to Kade's coffee for some drinks and a muffin.  Sat and talked there for a bit, then headed out with no destination.  We ended up at detweiller park and attempted to fly kites.  Hello Kitty was not cooperating, but pirate kite flew for a bit.  Unfortunately, pirate kite wasn't to fond of Kyle and decided to first fly into his leg then hit him directly in the eye.  I nearly peed my pants.  I felt bad but it was still a priceless moment as far as i'm concerned.  Besides, i apologized right before it hit him in the eye so it was ok.   After detweiller we headed back to dave's house to head to the show.  At the show we played four square which i haven't played since i was about 12, i don't know if i sucked at it then, but man.  I'll just say don't look for me on any pro-four square leagues anytime in the future.  The show was great.  All the bands were good.  I got to see a good number of people that i haven't gotten to see in a while.  After the show we headed back to dave's rockin out to some Michael Buble on the way.  When we got there we partied hard with some pizza and about a million games of uno.  Things kinda died down around one, so i decided to head home.  I really don't remember driving home.  I've never had that happen before and it was pretty scary/weird.  But i made it safe and sound.
 So that was my weekend.  wooo. 
Today i plan to not spend any money, so we'll see how that goes.
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