Title: Joick From a Kevron Perspective
killeleanor Pairing: Joe/Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas/Zac Efron
Rating: PG, I'd say.
Warnings/Disclaimers: Incest, y'know, the usual. Excess fluff. Not mine, either.
Summary: It was only when Kevin started dating Zac that he realised there was something strange about Joe and Nick.
Author's Notes: Went to see the
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this was really really a genius idea!
I always wanted to write something like this but never thought I could pull it off
great job!
Aaaaah, I read your jonas_harlequin entry the other day, and it was absolutely sensational! I really ought to comment more, because it was one of the greatest Joicks I've read! I could go on... :P
Thanks again.
The things that are hardest to write usually turn out best (unless they're hard to write because they suck). Your story just really worked. Plus, it's always a treat to have something long and epic to read. :D
Ugh doing this from my itouch is more annoying than I thought it would be. -.-
Touch-based interfaces are daunting. I've forgotten how to text anyway (that's what you get for using a brick phone with a QWERTY keyboard), but someone gave me their phone, touch-based and I was clueless! I admire you for taking the effort to type. :P
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