
May 23, 2006 21:13

I'd make an entry into the journal, but I feel like I have nothing original to say:

- bla bla hate being single and tired of trying to hard and tired of every single damn prospect having some sort of fatal flaw; bla
- work bla stress bla bla
- Just discovered ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT bla bla... fantastic tv show.
- bla bla ordered an IPOD finally (well, one of the cheaper knockoffs...the Creative Zen Vision - we'll see if I regret it later.)

Oh, here's one piece of news - I've been downloading all my favorite pieces of music since, well, I can remember. I gotta say, I downloaded a whole lot more Michael Jackson than I ever thought I would.

But, then again, THRILLER was a kick butt album.

In good news, a good friend of mine is coming to visit this winter! Yay!

Guess I did have something to say.
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