(no subject)

Apr 21, 2011 16:44

Boorrowed from schermione, because she's AWESOME (and I'm bored as fuck)

Zero - Who was your last text from?
From who or to whom? The last was from the goverment, sending me a password.

One - Where was your default pic taken?
I dunno.

Two - Your relationship status?

Three - Have you ever lost a close friend?
Several. As in plural and at different times.

Four - What is your current mood?
Tired, burned out, tired, apathic, did I say TIRED? X___x

Five - What’s your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
If i tell you the name of my little sister, I'm afraid she will choke me to death while I'm sleeping. Or she will kill me á la The Ring-style. People still say she looks like that girl, although she has already changed her hairstyle.

Six - Where do you wish you were right now?
Now? I want to be home in my BED and SLEEP.

Seven - Have a crazy side?
You mean the WIIIIIII IMMA SEEIN RAINBOWS PRETTY-side, the EHEHEPERVVVV-side or the ...You. You're dead meat C:-side? All of them? Then, yeah, I have a crazy side. Oh, don't forget my muses. Musn't forget my muses!

Eight - Ever had a near death experience?
No, but have had some out of body experiences...and I don't like them. There is a reason why I'm not fond of heights.

Nine - Something you do a lot?
Drawing, drooling over pretty pictures, looking for doujinshis...and studying.

Ten - Angry at anyone?
Hell yeah.

Eleven - What’s stopping you from going for the person you like?
Because said person is the first person I'm actually in love with and not just a crush. I have no idea what to do. Count the fact that it appears he likes me as a friend (to me, my friend disagrees) and you got my situation.

Twelve - When was the last time you cried?
Couple of days ago. I was watching Black Jack. PINOKO YOU HAVE ONE HELL OF A BACKSTORY T^T

Thirteen- What are you really good at?
Ermmm, people tell me I'm really good at drawing..? I think I'm really good at bulshitting around C:

Fourteen - What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
Rather random things, like fruit or books or ink or music or food or...shall I go on?

Fifteen - What were you doing yesterday at 10:00 a.m?
At school, trying to survive the lesson.

Sixteen - Do you prefer light or dark hair on the opposite sex?
Light. Certainly light. Most of my crushes are blond. I can count on one hand how many had dark hair.

Seventeen - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My sister.

Eighteen - What is/are your favorite band(s)?
Ehhhhh, I will skip this one. I tend to listen to lots of different songs, so no favourite band for me.

Nineteen - What are you doing right now?
Filling this meme, you dumbass. And reading anken Fran on the side.

Twenty - Who do you trust right now?
My friends.

Twenty one - Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
I bought it somewhere in Germany. Both of them, actually. I'm wearing a T-shit and another shirt over it.

Twenty two - Heavy metal music?

Twenty three - Are you currently missing someone in particular?
Not really.

Twenty four - Is there anything you’re hiding from someone?
Does this qeustion need an answer? It should be obvisious.

Twenty five - Who are you thinking of right now?

Twenty six - What should you be doing right now?
Making an old Chemistry exam...

Twenty seven - What are you listening to?
Forever or Never - ...I forgot.

Twenty eight - You need new jeans. Quick where do you go?
Ehhhh...Go into random shop and look if they have jeans my size. If they do have them, I will check if they look nice on me and then pay for it. If not, repeat procedure.

Twenty nine - Who was the last person who yelled at you?
My friend...for randomly yelling something when I woke up. I was sleeping on her shoulder.

Thirty - Do you act differently around the person you like?
Yep. I tend to curse less and be more polite in general. And my brain goes POOF when he's gone *facepalm* He distracts me from studying!

Thirty one - What is your eye color?
Brown, although some people will say black. I'm Chinese after all...

Thirty two - Who was the last person to make you laugh?
My friend, another one, who told me that a certain person spilled coffee on his book. Ehem.

Thirty three - Who was the last person to make you angry?
An ex-friend. Long story.

Thirty four - Hello Kitty?
I like all kind of plushies, so...stick it into an animal costume and I will sqeeuze the hell of it.

Thirty five - Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

Thirty six - Hug anyone of opposite sex in past 24 hours?
Yep, my friend, apologising for spilling coffee on his book.

Thirty-seven - One thing you want right now?

Thirty eight - Will you fall in love in the next few months?

Thirty nine - What does the 5th text in your inbox say?
A fanfiction.net update.

Forty - Are you worried about the future?
Sometimes. Right now, I'm worried about which college I have to choose.

Forty one - Are you happy with life right now?
Life's a bitch, so let's make fun of it >8D

Forty two - Are you currently jealous?
Yes *shrugs*

Forty three - Of what?
People who can buy stuff on the intenet...

Forty four - Do you forgive or forget?

Forty five - What do you miss the most about elementary school?
THe amount of homework, which was none. But I got bullied, so I will put up with the homework.

Forty six - Favorite Disney Channel show?

Forty seven - Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in right now?
Same ex-friend as above.

Forty Eight - What are you looking forward to?

Forty nine - Does anyone like you right now?
My friend says that my crush likes me, but I highly doubt it.

Fifty- Lyrics to the song you’re listening to?
Forever or never~!

No, really, that's the end of the song.

writer's block, lolwhut, rl, meme

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