Lost Finale...

May 24, 2010 03:39

It honestly feels like I've lost a close friend now that LOST has come to an end. It's hard to say farewell, and very bittersweet. It's nice to finally have answers, but answers also mean the end, and for me this feels like the end of an era as opposed to just the end of some show. It's been my favorite on-air TV show since it very first started. I remember how I was amazed and instantly hooked when I saw the pilot back at my first Comic-Con, and exactly how excited I was when I watched it officially begin on TV months later.

As for my theories about the finale...

I believe that the "sideways universe" was not exactly real, despite what Jack's father said. Rather, it was a separate plane of existence different from the true universe, which was Oceanic Flight 815 crashing on the island, etc. When Jack asked his father "Is this all real?" it's almost a childish, stupid question. Everything in that alternate universe Jack could hear, smell, touch, feel...does that not make it, in a sense, real? The alternate universe where they successfully land in LAX is a universe created so everyone can get their happy ending that they were screwed out of in the true universe. It's the universe of closure. Everyone there in the alternate universe is dead in the true universe, and they're finally able to move on. People have been calling this alternate universe "purgatory," which I guess is exactly what I'm describing, but without the religious connotation.

I also have a theory based on what Jacob and Smokey's psuedo-mother said regarding the light at the center of the island. I believe that the "light" is basically the ultimate life force for all living things in the world. It exists in everyone in the world and is kept there on the island. She had said that if it goes out there, it goes out everywhere, which leads to the entire purpose of the island.

There are two things that I have questions about still, though...

First of all, Widmore. Although I was happy with how many things were actually answered, one thing I was still curious about was Widmore. He was on the island in the past at some point, and was with Richard and the people under Jacob. Even though Jacob had the rule of not letting people off the island (or at least for not very long), Widmore was able to permanently leave. Yet, he still wanted to come back, and supposedly wanted to kill everyone there. WHY Widmore went back, and why he even CARED about what happened to the island after he left is something that was never explained.

Second, there is Ben. Ben stays outside and says there other things he still needs to do while everyone else goes inside the church at the very end. I think that maybe at some point in the future, Hurley ended up giving the Jacob-powers to Ben. Hurley wouldn't have been able to die if he was still the island's protector, and everyone else that was left on the island (Desmond, Rose, and Bernard) were all inside the church along with Hurley. I don't believe that Ben was actually dead, but was rather temporarily in the alternate universe because him apologizing to Locke was needed for closure, or to reassure Hurley that the island was still being looked after. This theory of mine, however, I'm much less sure of and it's very impossible that I'm 100% wrong and Ben really is dead, leaving it to be anyone's guess as to who the island's protector is now.

That's it for my theories for now (>.<)

Goodbye and thank you, LOST.
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