May 28, 2005 01:37
well...I just don't care anymore. I'm gonna move on and try to forget him. Bitter? Mean? I just don't care anymore. I'm just not gonna turn into a whore like he says I will. I'm not gonna fuck someone like he says I will. I just can't take this anymore. I should've ended this a long time ago, it would've been for the better. People were right. I don't know whose wrong, cos I'll never know the truth, but believe me when I say it's for the best. Breaking up 5-6 times in 8 1/2 months is a lot, theres something wrong there. I'm taking you off my friends list for a bit. So, you won't think I'm trying to make you jealous or anything. And if I say mean shit you won't take it seriously, it's just be my madness talking. I'll eventually put you back on. But for now...
A message from me to you...
Lewis, don't be so sad all the time. When you go to a pep rally, get into it and enjoy it, you're only young once. Don't be so bitter towards people, they're not as bad as they need to have fun. When I say fun, I mean clean, happy fun, where you truly enjoy it and you look back and don't regret it. I don't know why I'm saying this...but yea...all I'm trying to say is
"Have a happy life"