Oct 08, 2009 05:08
Passage - Refers to a certain area of a painting or other work of art; a detail. It is often used to direct discussion to a transition from one color or tone to another, or to the use of a noteworthy technique in a section of a picture, or to an area overpainted by someone who was not the original painter.
tone and tonality - A quality of a color, arising from its saturation (purity and impurity), intensity (brilliance and dimness), luminosity (brightness and dullness), and temperature (warm and cool); or to create such a quality in a color. To tone down is to make a color less vivid, harsh, or violent; moderate. To tone up is to make one become brighter or more vigorous. Tonality can refer to the general effect in painting of light, color, and shade, or the relative range of these qualities in color schemes.
sylvan -
1 a : living or located in the woods or forest b : of, relating to, or characteristic of the woods or forest
2 a : made, shaped, or formed of woods or trees b : abounding in woods, groves, or trees : WOODED
1. One who visits a forest or wooded area
Simian - of, relating to, or resembling monkeys or apes
inchoate - being only partly in existence or operation : INCIPIENT; especially : imperfectly formed or formulated : FORMLESS, INCOHERENT b : crudely made or done
2 : not planar
blah vocabulary