Feb 02, 2012 11:10
Hello LJ, my life has been busy, Work and making Quelab work, both are alot of work. but im pretty happy doing it.
We have been working on a Rube Goldberg device, (which will play center roll on a gal's proposal to her boyfriend. Whic in its self is super geeky and awesome! We have been building it pretty much all of January, and at as of Tuesday night it was about 5 steps from being complete (still needed lots of additional testing.
Going to be back down there Friday, for the 2600 meeting, (had a pretty good turnout last month, but i was too busy this month to remember to let people know (in a reasonable time.) probably spend some time debugging/working on it.
If you want to come down and see/help it, or just hangout 6-9pm 1112 2nd street NW!
Beyond that We are working on plans for our February project. The theme is Hacking Chocolate! Anyone have any ideas/tips/local chococolateur contacts?
As for the rest of my life, some things are great, some things are kinda odd, im not sure I really like it, but I don't like the alternatives any more.