Feb 18, 2009 20:20
So yah, as you probably got from my last few posts, ive both been trying to keep myself busy/entertained, and things have conspired to do so for me. This is good, because well, a year ago this morning, my mom collapsed and was hospitalized.
A year ago right now, I was weighing the hardest decision of my adult life. and in less than 24 hours, had to act that decision out.
This simple fact still stabs me with wracking grief and pain and tears just to think of it, but all in all I have survived, I have recovered the fragments of atleast a good portion of the me that was before, glued and supplemented with the stuff that elbow grease and survival instinct is built on. Not all the bits are there, and I may have lost some of my auction value, with that huge hole in me.
I simultaneously can't believe a year has passed, and at the same time it feels like the longest year of my life, Thank you friends and family who have been there for me, and thank you for doing your best to understand! It cant have been easy on you! Thank you!
And work is likely to eat most of my available time until Saturday, learning setting up and training people on our first non internal VOIP deplyment.
I don't think I'm going to do the estate sale again this Sunday, I think i may try to just schedule it as Me time.
Oh yah in the random asshat category, I watched someone not yield to an ambulance because as she drove and talked on the phone, and so when the ambulance cut her off she honked and flipped it off! Ugh some days I wish I could make peoples heads explode by wishing it so.
Atleast this bloody month is more than half over.