Not too much happened friday, Had dinner with my mom, and went and got fireworks for the family calibration. after that I wound up watching videos on and turning in at a reasonable time, on Saturday i got up(9ish), and made a pretty tasty goat cheese chives and mushroom bagel, and then headed out on a adventure to get hardware parts. After The hardware store, i decided to see what remained of "the Beach Waterpark" to my surprise they have ground up all the pools and made a fairly sizeable hill out of them, but i did find these few amusing bits of UE.
I very much love the sign, im assuming they had those custom made.. I also am amused that the places people break into closed off areas is usually very near the "no trespassing signs", as if they attract it.
After that, I didnt find much else to catch my camera's lens, aside from this.
after that it was too hot, so i snapped a few photos of cameras, and went and picked up some iced coffee.
See the whole shebang of photos here, Then that night I had tea, and got to see the lovely
intravenousants's new home. and then that night i had a wonderful transcendental talk on the influence of mindbending things. and wound up being up well into the early morning hours.
Sunday i mostly slept and computed. until evening when I drooped by my moms and had dinner, and found her swampcooler waterline had sprung a leak.. so i had to run home and get extra tube and then brave the hot roof in summer. My sister and her kids arrived in town after all that,
Later on, I went home to gather up fireworks for
endotoxin's birthday gifting.. it was a good party. wherein i inflicted Mikazuki "Iron Armored Machine" on the unsuspecting crowd.. to which there was much MST3k action.
Tonight i work late, Wednesday i have off, Friday is 2600.. I have family in town, it looks like it will be a busy week..