Apr 04, 2013 20:17
Don't really have much to say, I just wanted to make sure that my account doesn't get deleted.
Not much is new, Blaise and I are hoping to buy a house this year, but we don't know the area so we found a Realtor to help.
There was alot of layoffs at work, but my position is fine and so is everyone in my department. My company basically got screwed out of alot of money on a contract, then we had to spend money in court to fight to get our money. So we are short on cash flow (we won the court battle, but it is going to take a long time to recoup our losses). Basically most of the people that are considered "overhead" and can't bill directly to a project were laid off.
The only impact to me, besides friends being let go, is that I probably won't get a raise this year, and I had to move cubicles... I volunteered to move, they were going to put someone across from me (they are giving her office to someone else) but all of her filing cabinets wouldn't fit in the cubicle. So I said she could have mine since it had more space...
On a side note, we are coming to MI Memorial day weekend. We will be down in Flint for the weekend, and up in Mackinaw the rest of the week. The only plans I know of, are a bar-b-que on memorial day, tuesday driving north, and sometime later in the week going to tahquamenon falls, since Blaise and his family have never been.