Icon Tutorial #3

Apr 23, 2006 14:08

Worst thing about doing tutorials is that I have a horrible memory. Some of the icons that were requested I will usually make a new different icon but based on the style of that one and I try to remember as much as I can of what I did. Get it? Me neither. First one is from Smallville, second is one of Michael Muller's photoshoots.

Go from:

01. Smudge Tool {diameter 3; strength 38%; mode normal}

02. Duplicate once set to screen 20%

03. Curves Tool

RGB {Input 74; Output 105}
Red {Input 105; Output 105}
Green {Input 177; Output 190} Then create a third dot somewhere in the middle in between the two other dots and set to {Input 131; Output 149}
Blue {Input 151; Output 163} Again, create a third dot in the middle and set it to {Input 165; Output 151}

04. Levels

Red {Input Levels 0, 0.31, 243} {Output 0, 255}
Green {Input Levels 9, 0.88, 247} {Output 0, 255}
Blue {{Input Levels 0, 0.96, 255} {Output o, 188}

05. Create a new layer #7AB9DA and set it to Soft Light 100%

06. Sharpen once

07. Add some tiny text f you want. I used Violation set to Smooth, 6pt.

Go from:

01. Duplicate once and set to Screen 100%

02. Smudge Tool {diameter 3; strength 38%; mode luminosity}

03. Curves Tool

RGB {Input 64; Output 73}
Red {Input 102; Output 110}
Green {Input 144; Output 135}
Blue {Input 89; Output 100}

04. Levels

RGB {Input Levels 0, 1.02, 255} {Output 0, 255}
Red {Input Levels 0, 0.73, 255} {Output 0, 255}
Green {Input Levels 0, 0.91, 242} {Output 0, 255}
Blue {Input Levels 0, 1.04, 255} {Output 0, 255}

05. Create a new layer #B4F5FF and set it to Color Burn 100%. This will make the icon a little more blue-ish. I liked how the background turned out with that but not as much on Clark and Chloe, so you can just use the eraser tool on them or not use this color at all.

06. Go back to your base and go to Image, Adjustments, Auto Levels

07. Add text if you wish and/or a little 'blob' brush at the top for a brighter light set to 43%

checkerd you can use the second tut to follow what I did mostly in the LoTr one. :)
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