
Jun 25, 2010 09:59

Name/Nickname: Moria
AIM/E-mail/Contact: Best way to contact me is through AIM-standbackufools
I am over the age of eighteen.

Canon Character and Series: Othar Tryggvassen, Girl Genius
In-Game Name: Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer!
Age: 30-ish
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Diplomat from Erealia, Amestris


Othar is very large in stature, standing at about 6’3” and very broad-shouldered. His hair and beard are naturally very pale, appearing gray or white. He always wears a turtleneck of some color, and prefers breeches that are made of leather, for the durability. In his boots, he has installed small engines that can slow his falls and cause him to hover about ten feet off of the ground. (They come in handy when he’s been thrown out of an airship.) He wears a visor of metal that completely covers his eyes, which is held in place by no visible means. It can be knocked off in battle, but usually stays put unless he removes it. When he does, it reveals a pair of blue eyes that seem to stare into your very soul.


Othar is your classic hero-coming-to-save-the-day guy; however, he’s also more than a little crazy. It is his sole mission in life to seek out and destroy anyone who has ‘the spark,’ as he holds them responsible for all the horrible things that are wrong with the world. Othar himself is a spark, and has vowed that, after his mission is complete, he will kill himself. This mission is not generally known by the people of the Badlands, whom he has rescued from a number of crazed fiends, and among whom he is considered a hero. Those who know him better often find him extremely annoying, if not a complete imbecile.

He has entirely too much self-esteem, a severe case of megalomania, and tends to live in his own private reality where every girl is secretly in love with him, and everyone who tries to kill him has been brainwashed. However, simply because Othar is crazy and holds himself in high regard, it does not mean that he is stupid. He is capable of surprising and even worrying insight, as well as the ability to come up with extremely elaborate plans.

Othar can be extraordinarily stubborn, and will often just go through with his plan even if it makes no sense whatsoever. However, he is not a 'bad' guy, and can be very protective and caring for people who he knows well.


Othar is a strong Spark, a person with the predisposition for building elaborate clanks, repairing machinery, and generally acting as much like a ‘mad scientist’ as possible. As such, he will go into ‘the madness place’ if he finds a machine that needs fixing or comes up with a bright idea on how to ‘improve’ efficiency. (‘The madness place’ is a state of mind which a strong spark enters while working on a particularly vexing machine or when solving a difficult problem. You can recognize when a Spark has entered it by a voice change and a huge boost to charisma, which sometimes causes otherwise sane people to drop whatever they’re doing and become an aide to the Spark. Very few things can break the Spark out of TMP until he or she has finished whatever he or she is doing. When sparks enter this state, it’s usually best to just leave them alone until they’re finished.)

Othar’s main specialty is weapon creation and construction. Over the years he has invented a ‘stun gun’- which shoots a strong smelling gas and causes its victims to fall unconscious, a ‘shrink ray,’ which sadly did not work as it was intended to, and his favorite, automatic hammers which he occasionally still uses in hand-to-hand combat.

In terms of weapons, Othar does not usually go around carrying more than a concealed gun or three, which he has tweaked a bit, of course. A skilled fighter in hand to hand combat, he is partial to using hammers, and, when he doesn’t have his automated ones, he always seems to be able to find others. He’s also extremely strong, able to turn people completely inside out, but he doesn’t do it very often because it’s messy.

Othar’s greatest strength is that he is very, very hard to kill. This is evidenced in the fact that he gets tossed off of aloft airships all the time, and always manages to survive without much difficulty. Get him going and he’ll tell you the absolutely true (he swears) story about how he once survived being tied to a lit keg of explosives, and tossed into a pit of acid filled with mutant, acid-resistant flying piranhas equipped with flamethrowers and battleaxes while venomous mechanical missile-launching Morris dancers armed with liquid nitrogen harpoon guns were overhead, riding giant rabid killer bees with side-mounted death guns.

How well can your character hack?:

Not at all. If his difference engine is acting up, he’ll try hitting it against a variety of rocks to see which one works the best.


Othar’s main weakness is his overwhelming self-confidence and megalomania. He views everyone as being either friend or foe, but his ‘reality’ often causes those who would be his friends to get annoyed and throw him off an airship.

Also, he is pretty crazy, and doesn’t always think things completely through before rushing in to ‘save the day,’ this leads to him getting captured quite a lot. Not to worry though, as he’s always able to pass it off as all being part of his elaborate plan.


Othar was born in Grimstad, a wealthy fishing village in Northern Erealia known for its cod. His young life was fairly happy, apart from always being up to his armpits in dead cod. He left Grimstad when his family wished for him to marry a beautiful, strong, wealthy daughter of a codfishmonger, who thought Othar was insane and threatened to “brain him with a marlinspike” if he ever returned home. Naturally, he hasn’t been back since.

After that, he wandered the countryside of Erealia, seeking adventure and excitement. However, as not enough adventure was to be had in the chivalrous country, he found his way to the countryside of Vohemar. There he found monsters, battle clanks, and excitement aplenty, and he quickly became famous to local villagers who declared him to be a hero. It was also around this time that he shed the more usual Erealian clothing and went for function over form.

It is not known exactly when or how he came to the conclusion that all Sparks were dangerous lunatics who had to be destroyed, but it must have been before he defeated the wooden warriors of Dr. Krause and saved the hamlet of Lunkhauser from the ever-widening moat.

In his travels, Othar had numerous run-ins with other Sparks, including one who holds a great deal of power in Western Vohemar. Determining that the Gentleman Adventurer was mad and a threat to his plans, the Spark captured Othar with the intention of destroying parts of his brain until he was no longer a Spark. However, Othar was aided in his daring escape by a younger lady Spark when she was also fleeing from the power-crazed madman. Despite refusing to be his plucky girl sidekick, Othar became quite taken with the girl, and it was obvious (to him at least) that she was secretly in love with him. This disillusion did not falter, even when she, like so many others, threw him out of an airship.

He survived, of course, had several more adventures with the girl (much to her chagrin) and run-ins with various evildoers, and is still at it, adventuring, saving people, destroying monsters and is determined to finish his quest and save the world! However, since there’s not a lot of money in epic quests, Othar has recently reached an agreement with the Erealian government, and agreed to sign aboard the new diplomacy ship in order to gather information (and hunt for Sparks.)

ooc, app

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