Not Necessarily A Birthday

Aug 19, 2008 16:51

Oh, I meant to add - I have a birthday coming up on 5 September, and although I'm going to be in Portsmouth with the SHSL on the day itself, I'm in London the day before, Thursday, 4 September, for a Development Committee meeting, and it would be nice to meet up with people in the evening for a celebratory meal, if anyone is free.

The Lansdowne is doing a Jazz Buffet Supper that night for £35 a head, if anyone is interested in that - or I could make a group dinner reservation (not at the Lansdowne, but at the Cavalry and Guards or another club nearby). Or, I can make a reservation at Yoshino. Any London people who are free that night drop me an e-mail or comment, with preference, and I'll make a reservation. (Non-London people welcome too, of course, but I suspect you'd be less keen to travel.)
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