I don't believe that anybody, feels the way I do, about you now.

Nov 06, 2005 20:07

I have wasted the day away.
I am grumpy and achy and did not venture outside once today.
So, basically I was a big turdy couch potato and I'm not sure that was the best way to spend today.

Moving on...
I started my new position last Wednesday and can honestly say I am glad with my decision. For once in quite some time I actually feel interested and intrigued with my job. This coming from the girl who only weeks ago felt so disenchanted and stressed with work that insanity wasn't merely a possibility but an absolute inevitability. I don't know yet what I truly want to do with my life, but at least in the interim it's manageable.

Sadly, my kitty Fable is missing. My dad lovingly took him in for me and he's been MIA for a few weeks now. You never really know how much you care about something until they're gone. I miss his meows and company. All I can think about is him being lost, scared, hungry and alone. I hope he's ok. I'm checking the Humane Society on Friday. I hope he's there. This makes me very sad. Very, very, very sad :(

Sorry to you-know-who for being such a bee-otch today. Sometimes words weasel their way out of my mouth without first consulting with my brain. The result=someone getting hurt. I can be very abrasive and thoughtless at times and as many reasons as I can think to justify this, there really is no justification, just me trying to make myself feel warranted. I have an equally challenging time with apologizing. Admission of guilt is not easy for me. I guess one too many times I have had people piss on my apologies and sincerity that I have become a bit jaded. But, I am sorry, you are a friend (and a big fuck ass most of the time) and you suck, but I still like ya.

Last night we rented a couple of gems from the local Blockbuster. On frequent occasions I find my visits there fruitless and uneventful, but last night I stumbled upon these titles that made it actually a worthwhile and pleasant experience. "Millions" was charming, touching and had just enough creativity to make me swoon. British films are almost always better than the poo we fling in the states. "Palindromes" by Todd Solondz, one of the great directors, in my humble opinion, did it again. Happiness and Welcome to the Dollhouse are among my favorites films and Palindromes was definitely not a let down. It had been a while since a movie made me laugh out loud, but with his dark humor and quirkiness, holding in the chuckles was not possible. If you get a chance, you really should grab them, very good, meaty stuff :-P I'd like to hear what you think. My most favorite Saturdays are spent with Mark, movies and a frapuccino. He really is my best friend. If he's reading this he's probably gagging from that sweetness, but it's true. There are people that come into your life that feel so natural that life without them would not be the same. I love Mark...Awwwww and his taste is quite impeccable. It's cute that he has a new love interest, he deserves it. I hope it works out for him as long as he doesn't ditch our Saturday night rituals.

I spoke to my friend the Tomster tonight and sent him a tattoo idea that I have been really interested in for quite sometime. He's showing it to a friend (Mike) to see how to tie the pieces together. I'm pretty excited. As ouchifull as I find the whole process, I think ink is beautiful. And anyone who knows me, knows I am a total milky white monster and one of the positives of that?...tats look great on fair skin :)

Anyways, this post is as long as my hatred for rap and metal so I'm calling it quits for tonight.
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