I made a couple of vids, and as always,
destina's encouragement played a big part. ♥
For Escapade 29 (!!):
[AO3] Timber (Thor movies)
Pairings: Jane/Thor, Loki/Thor, Valkyrie/Thor, Steve Rogers/Thor...basically everybody/Thor
Warnings: A couple of very quick moments of violence
Password: LBD
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Timber from
Killa Beez on
And for TGIFemslash:
[AO3] Heartbeat Song (Dumplin')
Pairings: Willowdean/Elle, Hannah/Millie
Warnings: none
Password: dolly
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Heartbeat Song from
Killa Beez on
This entry was originally posted at
https://killabeez.dreamwidth.org/551741.html. Please join the
comments there, or comment here.