summer 04

Sep 01, 2004 10:20

a good one indeed....... I miss so much and so many people already, but I know this school year will probably be one of my best seeing as I met some amazing people over the summer and got my band started. Figured I'd recap on this amazing summer......

1. I got moved to dairy department at market basket which was gay at the time and still is kind of gay
2. Campton finally got started on the right track.
3. I spent a lot of time at Cassie's and sometimes went down and woke her up with a kiss on the forehead and spent the entire day with her.
4. I went to the beach with Cassie's family which was fun for the most part.
5. I'm on good speaking terms with Cassie's dad.
6. I watched the Star Wars trilogy like a thousand times.
7. I watched the Indiana Jones trilogy like a thousand times.
8. Campton wrote two of the most amazing songs I've ever heard, and I'm so happy i'm apart of that.
9. I started going to shows and saw bands such as Faraway, Ambry, Arwen, Outlet, Piracy, The Bedroom Mile, Bringing Home the War, The Critic (I think that was this summer, On a Mission, Making it Right, The Questionable Theary, And Then There Were None, Letterday, some hardcore bands, Six Feet Under/STD/Revelation, The Cadence, Lost City Angels, I'm sure I saw more and just can't remember.
10. I spent at least half of my paycheck every week on Taco Bell.
11. Got my new car, 2000 Kia Sephia bitches.
12. Got my license
13. Quit MOHAA
14. didn't do drugs
15. baby sat a kid named Jake and made 85 bucks a week for him coming over at 7 until 3 and not realizing I was getting ripped off until the day he left.
16. saw Alien Vs. Predator which is the nastiest movie I've ever seen.
17. Hung out with Cassie, Crystal, Gene, Brian, Matt, Ethan, Justin, Chris, Amanda, Megan, Andy, Chris Spanos, Mulatto, Dimitry, PJ, Cory, Zach, Ryan, Ben, Cade, Jeff, Dave, and Jay (sort of).
18. Bought my first Taking Back Sunday CD
19. realized that subs across the street from Market Basket are amazing.
20. That I love my life, and I love everyone associated with it......... I love you all....

We also played a show today up at Crystal's house. The big surprise was that Dave McDougall happened to show up which was really cool, but I guess he owed us seeing as we go to everyone of his shows and sang along so I guess it was his turn(thanks bro). It was kind of a lame show though but we retired Stand Up and Justin's Rash, and introduced our brand new song which everyone loved.

Thanks to everyone who came out.......

I love you all..........
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