2012 What a crazy year.

Jan 04, 2013 04:17


It was the year I lost it all.

Lost my best friends.

Lost my car.

Lost my job. Repeatedly.

Lost my confidence.

Lost my faith.

Lost my hope.

Lost my family.

Lost my home.

And last but not least, Lost my love.

They say when you lose everything is when you find yourself. How true those words are. I let my world fall apart and I have no to blame for but myself. My own actions created the chaos. For every cause there is an effect. For every lie comes to the light. If you give negativity through something as little as a thought, it will manifest itself. I've prayed for the day that I could manage to pull myself out of this depression. Even when I had it all, I was still unhappy. Then I realized that I could move forward into the light of this beautiful life, but only through him. That guy upstairs. The one that we think is too far away to really know. So distant it seems like its fiction. But he's real. He's next to you. It is us that push him away. If only we could drop our egos and our ideals of facts and evidence and see that things were created this way so that we can rely and believe only through faith. Then we can see the clues that he puts all around us constantly, putting the answers you seek right in your face. That little inch of faith that can move mountains, is what distinguishes the difference between knowing the signs when you see it verses that little feeling of a silly coincidence. Then again, we all have our own realities. This is mine. All I can possibly intend in expressing this, is perhaps some clarity on my purpose, and perhaps some common ground in yours.

It is time for change.
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