Soccer today -
A lot off ass. I mean I got Andi's (ha, that ground was wet) , and Sean shared his with the group. Soccer ---good times. ..putting aside the many many many times one gets hit with the ball and/or elbows. btw- I made Sean cookies.
No luck with the getting of a job interview. oh well. I'll work on that
- Movie with Andi! -teen..drama..thing (It was the only one we could get into okay!)
- almost died! -scary confederate flag people
- bought Icing and gatorade..instead of alcohol.
- Went into the theater to discover we were the only ones in there!! YES! very fun. played hide and seek..and scared ourselves. (more like Andi scared me..and I just made her laugh)
- Speaking of scaring.. It is not nice to put your face in peoples windows and make them scream!
- After the movie..went back to my house. and ..fell asleep. again. we will .. . . soon Andi!
<3 <3 yu Ai
First soccer day of the weekend. (me , Andi, Olive, Chris, Gavin, Jordan, Neal, Collin, Sean..)right?
and saturday night consisted of Moulin Rouge with Chris! Which was basically arguments such as " is that a side boob or a shadow" haha. very fun!! yayaya
cant let andi forget how i got hur (her) ass! haha :-)