Fedora | 01 | I'm in love but I don't know how

Dec 24, 2009 10:36

Today's icons are brought to you by the letter "F" and the number 47
Persona 3 ○ 23
Text ○ 5
Fatal Frame ○ 6
Misc ○ 8
Plurk Pics ○ 5



Persona 3

Text (mayfield_rpg and dramadramaduck )

Fatal Frame

Misc (DCMK, Afghanis-tan, Pokemon, There Will Be Brawl, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Plurk Pics

If you're going to credit, please credit kill_the_cutie or lovesnotwisely.   Please do not claim to have made any of these icons.  Commenting for taking them would be really nice :3  You may edit the icons, but please credit here for the base.

♥, Fedora

icons: afghanis-tan, plurk pics: tegen toppa gurren lagann, icons: text, icons: pokemon, icons: tengen toppa gurren lagann, plurk pics: persona 3, icons: persona 3, plurk pics: my-hime, icons: there will be brawl, icons by fedora, icons: fatal frame, plurk pics: there will be brawl, icons: my-hime, icons: detective conan/magic kaito

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