Jan 02, 2005 02:10
new years was sooooo much fun. thanks for calling me vinnie! first me vince ash and estevan (squelch) went to estevans show. then we sat around complianin about where we were going. we ended up at jessicas house, i met her a few times b4 but we never hung out, shes cool. i met some new people, sara, alex, mark, eric and i think someone else. anyway, it was all of us, plus dillon, jeff and sean. $130-140 on liquor is a lot. there was puking! me and dillon switched clothes which was quite funny. ash stole our blankets...jerk! vince didnt go to work. me ash and dillon went to seans house after, they played halo and i slept from like 2-9 sleep is so good. bill is seans little brother, who knew!?!?! i see that kid everywhere! their older brother gave me the nick name "the guy on the couch."
...heres to 2lf sellin out in 05!