May 02, 2010 23:25
Damn it's been so long since my last update. Well nothing much to really write about
anyway since all I do is work and play Call of Duty. BUT I did go see Jimmy again. <3
Taylor came to visit the day before her dad had hip replacement and she was here for
2 1/2 weeks. Ironically the day she went back to Texas was the day I went to go see
Jimmy. I left T.F. Greene at 6:17 am and was there by 10:30 which of course would be
11:30 here. April 7th was our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. iloveyou<3. I spent a good 18
days there, had a great time and finally get engaged. So our facebook engagement
actually is legit haha. I always say I'll keep up with updating this but usually never do
but I guess it doesn't really matter because nobody reads this anyway. Hahaha. :D