(no subject)

Nov 29, 2006 09:14

Well... today is a good morning. 
I'm content this morning. 
Things are going well with Aidan, with school, and with family.
I'm content.
No more.
No less.
It will be one month with Aidan on Sunday. 
Although I'm grounded... I've been working really hard in school since then. Haven't skipped at all. Working really hard on projects that aren't due 'the next day.'
Makes me feel better. Like I'm not wasting my life away on bullshit.
I actually give a shit. And it shows.
So I'm content. 

1. Who were you with last night?
My mom...we watched a Charlie Brown Christmas. =]

2. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Hug my kitty. =]

3. Where are you?
In civics class.

4. Who are you with?
My civics class?

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?

6. Do you love anyone right now?

7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

8. When's the last time you cried?
Few nights ago.

10. Ever thrown up in public?
Not that I can remember

11. what were you doing b4 the survey?
Looking around facebook.

12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?

13. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Depends on who.

14. Where would you like to live?
With Aidan. =P

15. What kind of home would you like?
Just a nicely decorated one.

16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A business woman.

17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
UBC or Western. =]

18. In 10 years?
Married and successful. =]

20. Look at your top 8 list, who is your number 1?
Of what?

21. Why is he/she number one?

22. Have you ever kissed anyone on your top friend list?

23. Who was the last person to leave you a comment?

24. Are you good friends with this person?
Used to be.. kinda distanced now..

25. How often do you log in to myspace?

26. Do you get excited by new comments/picture comments?
Not really...no..


Do you like candy necklaces?

When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
I don't know..

Do you listen to music every day?

Who's your weirdest teacher?:
I dunno...

Do you still go trick or treating?
This year I was going to... but that never happened. = P

What was the last thing you ate?
A cookie this morning..

Are you a fast typer?:

What are you doing tonight?:
Seeing Aidan. <333~~

Whats your favorite type of soda?:
I dont drink carbonation. =]

Have you ever moved?

Have you ever won an award?

Do you do any sports or other activites that are unusual?
Volleyball, Soccer. =]

How's life?:
Pretty good. =]

What do you want to do right now?
See Aidan.

Are you listening to music right now?

Do you like someone?:

Whats a word or phrase that you love?
I duno...

How many days til your birthday?:
Ugh.. like a fucking year. It just passed.

When were you the saddest in your whole life?:
I dunno.

Where do you buy your underwear?:
La Senza.

What time is it?:

What makes you pissed off?:
Lots of things.

Alrighty. That was fun. 
Time to work.
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