(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 10:12

.Aidan called me last night and said maybe tonight we can do something. =] I would love to. I can't wait. I really like that guy. He's always on my mind!
AND HES SO CUTE. Ahhhh. I think I'm obsessed. Not really... hes just adorable.
Is it tonight yet?
Thinking about it, mom might not want me to go, because I'm pretty sick. I have a really bad cold. I woke up at 8:00 because of it.... So I got up and had some tea. I still feel pretty shitty, but I don't care. I probably look like shit too, because I'm so sick. Oh well. I dont care. He's seen me at my .. pretty much worse... that morning when we stayed out until 8:00am. I got home and looked at myself in the mirror, and almost vomited. I looked horrible. But he still called me beautiful when I left. *Sigh*
I was telling him about my cat, and how she used to be so small... and I miss her being small... and he said "When is your birthday?" and I said "November 21st...why?" And he said "Good. Now I know what to get you."
If I see him tonight, we will probably go to Yorkdale, and we can walk around PJ's.
Is infatuated the right word to describe what I'm feeling? Isn't infatuation .. more than like.. less than love..? But I think it's only reffering to the physical aspect of someone. According to www.dictionary.com, to be infatuated is to 'inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.' Alrighty then.

Haha. Anyways, I feel like shitttt. I think I might shower... the steam might clear me up a bit.

Alright.. that was easty to convince myself to do. So I'm off the shower.

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