
Jun 27, 2005 20:07


Does "School Bus driver" mean anything to you? The most they get paid in the summer after taxes and bills isn't that mush. My mothers last paycheck was around $119. That's not much for a house hold of three. If we hadn't moved, we might of been in a better money posistion because I wouldn't of had to wait to do my learners permit, and i would of already would of gotten my drivers already, and a job.

But we "had" to move becuase my mother said that the house was "falling appart". Bull shit is what I say. That house was built in 1923. And it lasted this long? WEe could of easly saved up a bit of money and get some people to fix it. The roof needed to be re tared. So what? I looked up some people that would of done it for pretty cheep, around 150 to 200 dollors to do it. And then the woods she said was a problem, Simple yet again. I know a couple of buddys that could of cut down the woods for a good deal, probly around 300 or less. And the No AC problem could be done mby my dad now, for only paying for the items he needs to do it with. That house has huge air vents that could of been used.

Which of course, getting rid of the woods would of mean getting rid of the rat problem we had during the winter. And i'm not talking about a small 2 inch'er either. Oh no, I've caught two or three of these rodents. There bodies were around 3 inches while there tail was another 4. If we would of gotten rid of the woods, we had a damn good percent of getting rid of the rats, which would of fixed teh eating away of the wood.

I really really wish i was at my old home again. I can deal with the AC problem because there, we had a pool, which was my main exersice. I can't even bike ride anymore because the hills here are'nt far apart enought, and the heat is to much for my body to handle.

End rant/

Ok, i needed to do this. I feel much better now. :3
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