Jan 19, 2011 12:01
I've gained 15 lbs! Jesus Christ I need to stop stuffing my fat face! :O I know weight is all relevant and that I don't have to conform to unrealistic body standards yada yada yada but I WILL say that I've graduated from a size Medium to a size Large and I am NOT happy. Since I'M not happy with it (the world I could care less about), I've picked up my exercise regime again and am trying to eat better.
Ugh, I never had to worry about metabolism when I was younger. THE PRICE OF GETTING OLD??? It's just really irritating. I've developed such bad eating habits that it'll be hard watching what I eat and shit.
Anybody else on the friends-list have this problem? Eat like a truck in your teens, have it catch up to you in your twenties? I thought I was safe at LEAST until I was 30, lawl. :P
In other news, have been getting into EGL like CRAZY lately (hence, my weight rage; the super cute EGL brand stuff only comes in like...size 6 equivalent MAXIMUM ;___;). Already bought a lot more stuff than I could reasonably afford, including a dress that I THINK WON'T EVEN FIT BECAUSE OF LOL FAT. I'm going to try and drop some pounds, so when I do, I'll take pictures or something of me all loli-ed up. :D
[EDIT]: Signed up for this crazy salsa dance thing called "Zumba". Seems cardio-intensive, so hopefully I'll just sweat my self-esteem issues away! *thumbs up* Trying to decide how to factor that in to my usual gym workout routine, but for now I'll wait and see how much blood-pumping I get from the class before I make any decisions. First class is tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning, so I'll let you guys know how it went.
[EDIT +]: Should also mention that I'm altering my eating habits a bit. I think quitting carbonated/caffeinated drinks cold turkey is a bit too much for me at this point, so I'm instead trying to cut back: for every 12oz soda (can-size, FYI) I drink, I'm following it with a bottle of water. Same for stuff like a cup of coffee/tea, hot chocolate, Gatorade...
Trying to cut energy drinks and 20oz soda out of my routine entirely. We'll see how that goes. Am also cutting beer/wine/liquor, though it's not like I drank a lot of that in the first place. In terms of food, I don't eat THAT poorly (hardly any fast-food, usually too poor to eat out, etc.), but I do have issues with crappy snack choices. Anybody have any good suggestions?
retail therapy ye gods!,